Welcome to the Family
Today, Galatians 3.23–29 we discover that the blessings of Jesus as our Savior come to us by faith a...
Why the Law?
In Galatians 3.19–22, Paul shows us that God’s law was given to show our need of grace through Jesus...
I Fought the Law, But the Law Won
God’s law was never intended to save us but to point us to the One who does.
The Old Cursed Cross
It is Christ alone who saves us while the law can only curse and condemn us – Galatians 3.10–¡4
Father Abraham
Once again, as Paul continues his argument for justification by faith in Galatians 3.6–9, we see tha...
The Mark of a Fool
Galatians 3.1–5 shows us that the grace by which we are saved is far superior to the works of the la...
Dying to Live
Salvation by faith in Christ promotes godliness and good works of holiness. -- Galatians 2...
The Law & The Gospel
Right standing with God does not come from keeping the law but only through faith in Jesus Christ.