Youth Group: Super Bowl Sunday Sundae

Sunday, Feb. 7

Hey Youth!

Get ready for Superbowl Sunday Sundae! We want to let you know that we will be hosting a Superbowl Party again! We will be meeting at Morton’s house!  Come a little early if you want to go ice-skating before the game starts! Also, Feel free to bring something to share if you want too and keep watching for more events as well! There will be an ice-cream Sundae for anyone who wants one at the Superbowl Sunday Sundae!


Feb 07 2021


5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
QR Code
Good Friday at 7 p.m. &
Easter Sunday Service 10 a.m.
Looking forward to seeing you at a new special time to celebrate His resurrection! Doughnuts and coffee served at 9:30 a.m. Easter Sunday
Rally Sunday is Coming Soon!
Join us for the start of Sunday School, the Word and food and fun to follow!
Christmas Eve Service 5:30 pm
Looking forward to seeing you to celebrate the birth of our Lord